How to Build Business Confidence

woman standing in front of a pink background flexing her arm

Let’s face it, running your own business isn’t easy and some days you may question if you have what it takes. You might be confident as an individual, partner, parent, sibling or friend. But as a business owner, you have to consciously build business confidence. 

Someone asked me if I ever send my clients to another coach first to work on their confidence and mindset before we work together. What I have found is that having consistent confidence as a business owner is directly connected to knowing: what’s going on in your business, what your goals are, and the actions you will take to get there.

Having a Plan and Being Prepared

Many people lack confidence as business owners because they aren’t prepared. They haven’t laid out a plan or thought things through and are winging it one day at a time. Maybe they don’t know their numbers, or never look at important metrics. Their marketing is inconsistent so they aren’t sure if their messaging is working or if they are saying what their target market needs to hear. They don’t have enough time to do the work they’re best at, because they are spending way too much time on things they could be delegating to someone else.

Steps to Being a Confident Business Owner

Square One - When I work one to one with my clients, we take everything apart and start from the beginning. To create a plan and a strategy we begin with larger long-term goals, break them down to smaller goals, then choose our priorities for the next 90 days. 

Routine and habits - I help them develop reliable processes and choose systems that work for them so they can streamline their tasks. Just because your friend likes to work with one software or process doesn’t mean it’s going to be compatible for you. 

Stay in Your Zone of Brilliance - Then we look at things they are doing that they dislike, are not good at, and/or take up way too much time. We decide what’s in their budget for delegating some of those tasks to someone else. I help them select experts they will work well with.

Sales and Offer Strategy - Once we establish who their audience is and what their problems are, we fine tune the services they offer to meet those needs. We talk about pricing and how one service leads to the next level of service and how to price accordingly.

The Results

  • They feel good about how they work with their clients because they have clarified their value and set up systems to provide a satisfying customer journey. They know their worth.

  • They know what they need to do so there’s no reinventing the wheel every time but they’ve also looked at it from the client perspective and feel really good about how they take the client through their process. 

  • They’ve put the structure in place so they know they can serve their clients completely within the work hours they have set for themselves. This gives them the time and flexibility to be present in their personal lives.

  • They are more confident as a business owner because they’ve thought about what they want their business to look like and now they have a realistic, doable plan they are working through to get there. 

And they have confidence in themselves as the CEO of their business because they’ve established clear boundaries and put the routines in place to manage both the business and themselves as the leader.

As one client told me, “I feel like a grown-up business owner.” 

Understanding your feelings and how to handle them is also important. But no matter how strong your mindset is, you can have good days and challenging days. An excellent way to keep your balance on those days is to focus on the tactical processes and systems that keep your business moving forward. When you have your analytics, metrics, and finances in order, you can remind yourself that one difficult day does not ruin the week or the full month.

As a one to one strategist, my focus for my clients is strategy, consistency, and moving forward. If you’re ready for that in your business, let’s connect. You can schedule a call here.


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