Close the Gap 1:1 - Individual Planning and Accountability Support

Women with short grey hair working on a laptop in a yellow sweater

I know overwhelm has become an over-used word, but it’s a perfect word for the small business owners. They are usually a one-person show, and require individual planning and accountability customized for their individual business. Why is this such a challenge?

The creative, visionary business people I work with are big picture thinkers. They start a business and suddenly there’s so much to do and so many hats to wear. “Hats” they’re not familiar with. So not only do they have too many balls to juggle, they often lack the confidence because these things don’t come naturally to them.

When you’re an idea generator at heart, you’re constantly getting called out of your zone of genius into areas of lower productivity. The shifting back and forth between roles is a serious challenge if you don’t have clarity and order to keep you focused and accountable. Without systems, processes, and delegating you could just drown in the details and lose precious time.

Marketing and Sales

Sadly, we don’t get to spend our days doing only what we love. You have to decide what you’re offering and the best way to talk about it, create a marketing strategy, and grow an audience. If you want to keep doing what you love, you need a solid marketing plan to keep attracting clients.

Like it or not, a big part of marketing is sales. Persuasive language and compelling sales copy is what draws people in. You have to create content that works on all of your platforms.


It’s like being married to a different partner every day. New technology. Changing technology. Recommended technology. Once you settle on the tech deck that works for your business, there are going to be days when the tech breaks down and throws off your plan for the day. If it takes a few days to find the right expert and to get squeezed into their calendar, you lose precious time. But, if you have systems and processes in order, you’ll get back in your groove much faster.

Customer Journey 

It takes time, patience, and trial and error to develop a system for bringing clients, in, through, and out of your world. You need to develop clear and enticing offers and services. Then a simple and reassuring onboarding process that leads into working with you. Once you deliver the promised services, you want to supportively offboard those customers.


You have to set pricing for your services. That pricing needs to cover your time and salary, all the systems you have invested in, any human support you hired to delegate to, office rent, and any other expenses. You’ll want to track your invoices and revenue with something like Quickbooks. Then you will eventually need an accountant and bookkeeper to keep your numbers in order and file your taxes.

Once we get this all organized, it’s time for round two. Together, we go back to square one to tweak and make adjustments so things run smoothly. It’s like moving into a house. By the time you paint all the rooms, and replace the windows, the roof, and appliances, and get the landscaping just right, it’s time to go back and paint the first room again. 

When I work with my clients, they are often winging it - playing whack-a-mole, and addressing whatever pops up in front of them. It keeps them spinning in circles and struggling to move forward. They need more than one long to-do list to run their businesses successfully.

In my opinion there are a few non-negotiables necessary to get on your path to success. 

Vision. Where are you headed? You have to spend time clarifying your vision and committing to start on your journey. The first step is knowing where you want to go.

Structure. Growth does not come from spinning in circles. You have to establish a structure in many areas, or you will just stand still. Managing your time, defining the services you offer your clients, and the processes that you use to operate your business.

Accountability. Staying busy is not the problem. Being busy completing the right tasks is how you move forward. But if you’re avoiding important action tasks, your business will completely come to a standstill. Some people are  great at holding themselves accountable, doing the right things consistently. They follow their established plan every day, every week, and beyond. Others need a little more handholding - accountable nudges, a review of their priorities, and help staying focused.

The last few years in my Close the Gap Group Program, I worked with six business owners at a time on a couple of individual goals each. We strategized and planned up front, then focused on execution and accountability over 12 weeks. 

I’ve also done this with clients 1:1. Many find it more beneficial to work directly with me and focus solely on their business.

So I’m excited to announce the official Close the Gap 1:1 program. We’ll work together for 12 weeks, starting with goal setting, strategizing, and planning. Then we’ll meet weekly for 30 minute check-in calls to see how things are going, celebrate the wins, work through the obstacles, and leverage the opportunities. This is you and me, working 1:1, on your business.

I currently have room for a few new Close the Gap 1:1 clients and I’d love to help you apply structure and accountability to your business. Then you can spend more time doing what you love and less time doing what you have to to run your business. Schedule a call with me today.


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