Ten Things I Can’t Live Without - Business Version

Letters tacked on a board that spell top ten

We all have things in our business that make everything easier. So I wanted to share the ten things I can’t live without in my business.

Pilot G-2 Pens

I’ve used a lot of different pens in my career, and this one is the ultimate writing tool for me. They’re like milk and eggs, bread and butter - I make sure I never run out. Enough said.

ClickUp and my Day Designer planner

Yes, I use both an online platform and a good old-fashioned paper planner to manage my tasks, and I use them in tandem. I work best when managing all of my projects and tasks online for flexibility. But I prefer to write down my tasks each day, and to add the ones that come up at the last minute, along with notes and reminders.

Flipchart and colored pens

These are ideal for effective brainstorming and mind mapping, rather than typing. I like to sit on the floor, criss cross applesauce with lots of colored pens and a huge pad of paper to hold my big ideas. This makes me feel creative and like anything is possible. To someone else it might look like a mess of arrows and circles with scribbles, but it’s where things start to take form and make sense to me.

Morning accountability meeting

Meeting daily with my accountability partner has been the true foundation of my success the last few years. Not only are we consistent sounding boards for each other, each day we tell each other what our top priorities are for the day. That exercise alone is so impactful. Most days I get to say, “Ha! Did all my things.” On a few I hang my head and report that I did not stay focused on what I was supposed to. 

Networking groups

If you know me, then you know I do a good amount of networking, online and in-person. I have met some wonderful people and many have become clients, referral partners, and collaborators. I try to give back as much as I get from my networking connections. I have received invaluable support from core members in these groups. They show up consistently, and have had my back on many issues.

Weekly CEO Hour

If you add one thing to your weekly schedule, let this be it. It’s my number one management tip. The magic that happens when I take this hour for my business each week along with eight other women, is mind blowing. The women I meet with each Friday morning are exceptional businesswomen, as well as my friends, cheerleaders, and sounding boards.

CEO Hour is the weekly planning practice that I have tweaked and fine-tuned over the years, adding what I deem to be the most strategic end of week tasks to keep your business moving forward in the coming week. It’s one of the first things I put into action for new clients, and it’s the biggest game changer. When you take control of your time in this way, you will feel like the CEO of your business. 

My branding

As a solo business owner, the process of developing my brand is what first made me feel like a “grown-up” business owner. 

My team

Not sure how I got so lucky, but I am supported by the best of the best. I know that because I get asked all the time about my team members. Having a solid team allows me to spend my time doing the things I am good at and find enjoyable, and I trust my team of experts to make me look good by doing the things they are best at! My endless appreciation to Holly, Rebecca and Beth. 


This was the second thing I put in place that made me feel like a “grown-up” business owner. I don’t know how any business owner can keep track of their business without a CRM like this one. I send proposals, agreements, and invoices through this platform. It makes me look and feel  professional, provides my client a good experience and saves me an unfathomable amount of time I would otherwise lose if I had to manage all of this manually. (If you want to check it out, here’s my affiliate link – it will save you 20% on your first month or year:  dubsado.com/?c=kathleenlawson

Google Workspace

It’s a love/dislike relationship but I keep coming back for more. Gmail, Google docs, drive, spreadsheets, search, and more. I sincerely have no idea how I would live without all that I use Google for. A shout out to Google docs specifically, where multiple people can access a document, saving time and the confusion of multiple drafts.

I’d love to have a conversation about what works for you and why, and to share any resources you might be searching for. Book a call.


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