Busting the Myth: Everyone has Their Act Together Except You

After working with hundreds of clients, a common theme stands out for me. The entrepreneurial myth that everyone has their act together but you. Feelings of overwhelm, inexperience, and lack of knowledge can send business owners spiraling into the abyss of comparison.

I find myself reassuring most of my clients at some point that they are doing fine and, in most cases, fantastic. Yet I still hear myself constantly saying, “It’s not just you.”

Business owners who work alone, are just that - alone. When they feel overwhelmed or incapable, the first thing they do is look around to see what other people are doing. And in their mind’s it always looks better, like everyone else has all the things under control, that it’s easier for them somehow. 

Myth buster secret #1 - When we are feeling self-conscious, we think everyone is watching, when the truth is that people aren’t watching at all because they’re trying to keep their own businesses together.

Why Do We Do This To Ourselves?

I certainly don’t have the answer, although people think I do. But I’m a business strategist. I’m not a marketer, or a bookkeeper, or a writer, or a virtual assistant. The other hats are just as challenging for me as they are for my peers and clients. We are all constant works in progress.

When we are in our self-induced moments of panic, I think we look around selectively, choosing to see only successes. We don’t take the time to dig a little deeper and see that other entrepreneurs that “look perfectly successful” have issues behind the scenes, just like us.

Something to Think About

If managing a business is new to you, how can you expect yourself to know everything without a learning curve and some struggles along the way?

Everything we do in life requires some sort of practice and experience. A few weeks ago my 16-year-old got his driving license. Initially, his braking was a little jerky, he panicked over the pedestrian who stepped right out in front of him, and he chose the backroads to grandma’s going about 20 miles per hour to avoid the highway. Now, after a few weeks he goes to work via the highway (gasp!), serpentines through parking lots, and hasn’t hit the garage one time.

Business ownership is the same. When you get started, you have no idea where to start. You will not be as comfortable and confident as someone who has been doing what you do for five, ten, or twenty years. They have faced tough decisions, dealt with an unwieldy client or two, and have learned through trial and error.

Myth buster secret #2 - Established entrepreneurs also struggled in the beginning, too. Now they are seasoned and experienced. And, they face different challenges as their business grows.

Small business owners have to wear many hats. Some will come naturally, some will be humbling. You might get comfortable with the tech, but never be able to balance your books. And that’s perfectly fine.

Running and growing your business is like moving into a new home. There are always updates and changes to make. Then you start all over again as your goals change and your business grows.

When you nail down your marketing strategy, then you’ll realize you need a bookkeeper. As new tasks are bursting on your to do list, you’ll hire a VA to give you some of your time back. At some point in there you may decide you need the support of a coach or consultant.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

  • Comparison is not your friend. Put your blinders on and stay in your lane.

  • Get clear on your goals and your vision, then buckle in for the ride. There’s a reason they say, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll never get there.”

  • Invest in your business. Stop resisting and hire the expert or the guide. And as soon as you can, outsource some responsibilities so that you can spend your time on the things you do best. 

If you’re ready to bust through those myths and run your business with confidence, capability, and support, let’s talk about how that can happen.

P.S. Ready to stop spinning in place and get to the other side of your goals? Here are several ways I can help:

  1. Download my free CEO Hour weekly planning guide - it will help you become more intentional with your time, develop a clear action plan for your week, and ensure that you are focusing on activities that will move your business forward - kathleen-lawson.com/ceohour

  2. Join our next CEO Power Planning Session and spend two and a half hours ON your business. During this facilitated workshop, you’ll set and prioritize your next 12-week goals, break them down into an executable action plan and create a resource plan  - kathleen-lawson.com/ceo-power-planning

  3. Schedule a Laser Consult Session. This is a one-time 90-minute session for the entrepreneur who needs expert strategic guidance. Use this time to work through an idea, develop an executable 12 week action plan, streamline or create a process or system, or improve routines around daily and weekly execution. kathleen-lawson.com/laser-consult


Pam Oulundsen: Taking Control


Unmute Yourself Podcast: The 12-Week Revolution for Crushing Your Goals and Unleashing Your Power